bible reading plans
Book at a Time Bible Reading Plan
Read the entire Bible in one year by reading three or four chapters a day, alternating between Old and New Testament books.
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Read the entire Bible in one year by reading Scriptural events and literature chronologically.
Two-Year Bible Reading Plan
Read the entire Bible in two years and Psalms and Proverbs four times.
5 X 5 X 5 Bible Reading Plan
Read through the New Testament in a year by spending five minutes a day in the Word five days a week and by using five ways to dig deeper.
Marriage Resource List
Vertical Marriage (Dave & Ann Wilson)
The 5 Love Languages (Gary Chapman)
Fight Fair (Tim and Joy Downs)
Preparing for Marriage (Boehi, Nelson, Shadrach & Schulte)
For Men Only / For Women Only (Shaunti Feldhan)
Every Man’s Battle / Every Young Man’s Battle (Arterburn & Stoeker)
Intimate Issues (Linda Dillow)
Letters to My Daughter (Barbara Rainey)
The Smart Step-Family (Ron Deal)
25 Questions You’re Afraid to Ask About Love, Sex and Intimacy (Dr Juli Slattery)
A LifeLong Love (Gary Thomas)
Before the Last Resort (George Kenworthy)
The DNA of Relationships (Gare Smalley)
Love & Respect (Emerson Eggerich)
RightNow Media Videos
The Art of Marriage (Family Life) - Marriage, the way God intended it to be, is a true art form.
Marriage Night 2019 (Francis Chan) - RightNow Media’s one-night marriage conference.
iMARRIAGE (Andy Stanley) - Transform your expectations and look to God.
Love & Respect (Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs) - The Crazy Cycle, Energizing Cycle and Rewarded Cycle.