Walking in the Spirit

This week I’ve been praying for all the believers at Grace Community Church.

I’ve been praying that each one would be using their spiritual gift to build up the church.

I’ve led plenty of discussions about spiritual gifts over the years and I know that many people struggle to identify how God is gifting them. You are not alone.

In the weeks to come, through the preaching of God’s word, I believe we will all have more understanding of the variety of gifts. I’m praying that God would reveal to each and every one of us how He is manifesting Himself through us for building up the Church.

I think one of the reasons some of us aren’t experiencing manifestations of God’s Spirit through us is that we first need to allow the Spirit’s work in our own lives.

If we are grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) can we really expect manifestations of the Holy Spirit through us?

Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to convict us (John 16:8) and lead us to repentance?

Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us (2 Corinthians 3:18)?

Are we being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)?

Are we walking in the Spirit as Paul describes in Galatians 5:16-26 or are we walking in the flesh?

We must live in the power of the Holy Spirit and respond to His nudging in our hearts. If the Spirit isn’t free to work in our own hearts, I don’t think we can expect Him to work through us to build up the church around us.

Maybe before we pursue understanding our giftedness and serving supernaturally in the Spirit’s power, we need to step back and ask if we have grieved the Holy Spirit, if we are allowing the Spirit’s work in our own hearts, and if we are walking in the Spirit.


To help supplement your study of the Spiritual gifts I offer up this, my RightNow Media pick of the month!


Looking forward to Sunday!

- Pastor Kyle