A Prayer of Thanksgiving

O God of gods and Lord of lords,

Thank you for who you are:

for your perfect love which casts out fear;
for your goodness which gives me confidence;
for your never-changing character which gives me peace;
for your justice which gives me hope;
for your holiness which stirs my heart to praise;
for your omnipresence which gives me comfort;
for your unending grace which humbles me.

Thank you for what you have done:

for crafting creation to sing the beauty of your glory;
for opening my eyes to the truth of my need for you;
for making a way for my sinful soul to be reconciled to you;
for giving me victory over the sting of death;
for humbling yourself to dwell with me;
for giving me the local church where I can be motivated, encouraged, united, and equipped;
for sending me out into the world to be salt & light and to make disciples.

May thanksgiving and praise be ever in my heart and on my lips:

when I sit in my house and when I walk by the way;
when I lie down and when I rise;
when I feel near to your heart and when I feel distant;
when peace comes naturally and when peace is a struggle;
when I am walking on the mountaintop and when I am walking in the valley of the shadow of death;
when I am standing on the rock and when I am in the miry bog;
when your love for me is obvious and when I am caught in despair.

You are good and your steadfast love endures forever.

To you be the glory and honor forever and ever,
