Trying to Figure It Out

“Adjusting… making it… trying to figure it out.”

These are some of the common responses I’ve used when asked, “How are you doing?”

We are experiencing so many changes and challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The experience has been a little disorienting for me. Each week seems to have its own theme, and sometimes it has felt like things shift and change on an hourly basis. 

Our family is adjusting to a new “normal.” We are together a lot more, and while we have enjoyed the increase in family time, it hasn’t been without difficulty. There have been tears, frustration, confusion, overwhelm, and short-tempers. Our plans, routines, and outings have either been cancelled, postponed, or reconfigured. Yet we have also seen the blessings that are mixed in with craziness.

We know there is plenty of grace for this moment in time, and God is still a help and comfort for our family. 

Ministry life has also been affected. Ministry still happens, but looks and feels different. Ministry is all about personal connections, but we are being forced to connect with one another differently.

The various ministries of the church are working on ways to reach out, stay connected, and be united in expressing care to our church family. With the help of different online platforms, ministry to children, students, and families is ongoing.

The staff and our ministry leaders want you to know we are here for you, and we are wanting to see each person and family grow spiritually, even in these troubling times.

We exist as a church to love God, love people, and lead others to do the same. And we as a staff are fully bought into that purpose. We love you, Church, and we want to do what we can to serve you.

Perhaps some of you are feeling overwhelmed with resources. That is ok and understandable; so much is happening and there is so much out there. And even so, maybe some of you are wanting more.

In an effort to help with any feelings of overwhelm and wanting to provide some resources to our church family, we have put together an online resource list that we hope you’ll find helpful:

Online Resource List / YouVersion Bible app

Reading plans and kids app

Staff Suggestions:

  • For the Whole Family: Indescribable, Nurturing Great Kids, Family-iD Discipleship Plan

  • For Kids: The King and the Kingdom, Kids Can Fight Fear

  • For Students: Experiencing God’s Renewal

RightNow Media

So many studies for all ages (request free access through the “Connect with Us” button)

Staff Suggestions:

  • For the Whole Family: The Real God

  • For Kids: What’s in the Bible?

  • For Students: The Red Letter Challenge

Fishbowl Family

Resources for parents. Their printable library is great!


Some great articles, resources, and tips for parenting, including through COVID-19


Great content and ideas for parents and encouragement for marriages

The Gospel Coalition article

This article is full of links to devotions and discussions for discipling kids and students


So many great videos unpacking themes of the Bible and illustrated overviews of the books of the Bible

Grace and peace,
Pastor Loren