A Letter From Our Elders

Greetings Grace Family,

Apart from one or two strange winter-like days this week, spring feels like it has finally arrived. Temperatures are warming up; the grass and trees are green again, and things seem to be slowly moving back to a “normal” feel. I’m not a cold weather person so I really appreciate the changes that spring has to offer. Every season change makes me appreciate God’s design for us.

Things are changing around Grace Community Church as well….and they are exciting changes. It has been a busy season as the elders and staff have worked to fill the Pastor of Care and Connection position after Pastor Steve’s retirement. Thank you, Pastor Steve, for your years of faithful service!

After interviewing several candidates, the search committee did not find the ideal fit for our church body. Then COVID 19 arrived and the elders decided to freeze the search process. In late 2020, the search resumed and several candidates emerged. Each candidate possessed gifts and qualifications that made it extremely difficult (maybe even impossible!) to come to a unanimous decision. The search committee and elders prayed specifically for God’s guidance and God answered in a big way. After what seems like YEARS, we are proud to announce Will Regier is joining the GCC team as the Pastor of Care and Connection (PCC)! The search committee and elder board are convinced that Will is the ideal fit for our church body. We are excited to see how God will use Will to serve Grace Community Church. When Will, Stephanie, and family arrive in late June. Please say hello and make them feel welcome!

The search for our next youth pastor is still churning along. The search committee has sifted through many resumes, made screening calls, and performed Zoom interviews. At this point, they have not found the next youth pastor yet. Please pray for the search committee as the process continues. A slow process can be frustrating at times, but good things are worth waiting for and we really want to hire the right person.

In the near future, the elders and staff would like to focus on building stronger connections between our members and with new guests that visit. It is so hard to step out of our comfort zone, but this is such a vital step and there are so many ways to do it.

Would you look around you on Sundays morning and find someone you don’t know and say hello...or invite them to lunch…or to your community life group? Speaking of community life groups, we plan to make a push to grow and develop our community life group program. Will Regier will be spearheading this initiative when he comes onboard in late June, but he will need the help of community life group leaders and community life group members. The real results come from individuals who step out of their comfort zone to welcome and include others.

God has provided for each and every one of us over the last year and He will continue to do so! Thank you for faithfully attending, serving, and giving to the Lord at Grace Community Church. We are so excited to see what God has for our church body this year!

Kelsey Veer, Elder