The Art of Neighboring

“In whatever neighborhood God has placed you, love people sacrificially.”  You’ve heard this many times.  It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to do.  It takes intentionality and sacrifice.   

At Grace, we believe that God has given each of us unique circles of influence where we can be the hands and feet of Jesus!  We believe that God has us in our neighborhoods for a reason.  People all around us need to hear the gospel and see it lived out in us through the way we love and serve them. 

My youngest daughter, Adelyn, and I were taking a walk in our neighborhood about a month ago when we met some new neighbors that had just moved into a house on our cul-de-sac.  We had a lovely conversation with them for about half an hour.  I was able to ask her when she was due.  Yes, she was pregnant enough that it was safe to ask that question!  Later that evening at bedtime Adelyn asked if she could pray for our neighbors and their baby.  Most evenings since then, Adelyn and I have prayed for our new neighbors.  We were able to take over some baby gifts last weekend to love on them!  Adelyn whispered to me “tell them we are praying for them”.  I was able to talk to her later and let her know that we need to develop a friendship with them before we tell them we are praying for them or before we invite them to church.  (I’m quite sure they don’t have a church home and probably are not looking for one.)  So, we’ve been praying that God would give us favor with them and help us to develop a friendship.   

Last night while I was at worship team rehearsal, they came over to our house to visit.  I was excited to hear that when I came home.  This feels like God answering our prayer, especially since they know I’m a Pastor!  I’m hoping to be able to invite them over for BBQ sometime in the next month or so.  This couple and their new baby boy moved into our neighborhood.  They are not a project.  They are people to love sacrificially, to share our lives with, and share Jesus with! 

I hope and pray that all of you will see your neighborhood as a mission field.  It starts with relationships.  God wants to grow His Kingdom, and He wants to use you in your neighborhood.  Won’t you join my family and others who are praying for our neighbors and looking for ways to develop friendships with them, and ultimately lead them to Jesus? 

My Rightnow Media pick of the month is “The Art of Neighboring”.  This should be a great resource to help you think about loving people sacrificially in the neighborhood God has placed you. 

I can’t wait for Sunday!  I love you Church!

-       Pastor Kyle