Grace: Reunited

New service times — 9:00 & 10:45am


We were so encouraged by how many people came to worship with us. In fact, we quickly filled up the Worship Center and overflowed into the hallway and the foyer.

We know that overflow is not ideal; we would much rather all be together in the Worship Center. So, to accommodate everyone who wishes to worship together in person, we are moving back to two services starting this Sunday, June 14.

SERVICES WILL BE AT 9:00 & 10:45*AM.

*Did you catch that? The second service will not be starting at 10:30am like it used to but, instead, at 10:45.

The additional time between services will allow us time to clean the Worship Center and the bathrooms—another precaution in our efforts to make our reunion as safe as we can.

But that’s not all! The added time between services comes with a handful of other advantages as well:

  • With only 15 minutes (or less if we run long) between services, the transition from one service to the next can be a little chaotic. We think added time will help smooth things out in the parking lot, foyer, entering/exiting the Worship Center, etc.

  • The quick transition between services requires people to exit the Worship Center quickly, which does not allow much opportunity for conversation and connection. And we want you to have time to connect with one another! So we think the added time will create more space for relationship building and belonging.

How long will we use these new service times?

That is a great question. We plan to continue with these new times for the foreseeable future—likely for at least the next year.

In addition to capitalizing on the advantages above, the decision to continue the times for at least the next year comes out of respect for the many of you who serve in one form or fashion on Sunday mornings. As you consider your service commitment for the next year, we want you to know what you are committing to.

Will the service be live streamed?

Yes. Lord willing, we will continue live streaming the second service—now at 10:45am!—on both Facebook and YouTube.

Unfortunately, some wacky tech issues prevented us from streaming last Sunday. (We are so sorry for that inconvenience! If you missed the service, you can watch the recording here.) But, the good news is that we think we have it working again so you can expect to find a live stream this Sunday around 10:40am.

That's a lot of information. Can you summarize it?

For this Sunday, June 14, here is what you can expect:

  • Two in-person services at new times: 9:00 & 10:45am

  • Overflow (should it be necessary) will be in the Fireside Room

  • The 10:45am service will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube

  • Doors will open at 8:40am and remain open through the morning

  • Rows in the Worship Center will be spaced out to continue allowing for social distancing

  • Our hospitality team will be wearing masks while they greet you and hold doors open (and will continue refraining from handshakes and hugs)

  • No physical programs, other printed materials, or coffee (bring your own notebook and caffeine!)

  • We are not offering nursery or kids programming at this time but we do have disposable, take-home activity bags so families, we would love to have you join us

  • We will ask you to exit the Worship Center quickly after the service so we can clean

If you ever have any questions, please call the office (316-283-2554) or use the Connect With Us button.


Let's Choose Love

Have you seen this image going around? Can you identify with one or more of these expressions?


I think this image adequately describes the way things are right now. I've personally heard almost all of these perspectives voiced by someone.

It's a difficult place to live for all of us, isn't it?

Opinions and feelings are so varied. Information (and misinformation) is constantly changing. Clarity and surety are in short supply.

This situation has reminded me of something I learned in a Bible study a number of years ago: the difference between personal convictions and biblical convictions.

Clearly, the Bible doesn't specifically address what a church should do about meeting in the case of a worldwide pandemic — how cautious or brave to be, whether to wear masks or not, how to configure chairs in the Worship Center, or how soon to begin children's ministry.

That would have been a incredibly big help if God had included that in the scriptures! Pandemic 3:12, "Thou shalt begin services on…" Ha!

But since he didn't, we must pray for wisdom to make those kinds of decisions since our personal convictions will fall on all sides of the matter. We all have our own reasons for those convictions too — health, age, concern for relatives, personal experiences…

Thankfully, the Bible is clear about a lot of other things: extending grace to others, loving others, being kind, and trusting in Him.

To be sure, our desire to be reunited in person is due to our love for one another and a strong desire for fellowship which comes from our shared love of the Lord. That love also drives our desire to be cautious and careful. 

So, as we begin the process of gathering again, let's choose love.

There is beauty and strength in our diversity of ages, abilities, perspectives, and even our personal convictions about the coronavirus. Let's extend grace by valuing people more than we do our own convictions and opinions. Go the extra mile to respect and protect those who are most vulnerable or extra cautious. Reach out to and encourage those who may need to wait awhile to return. We are the church. Let's be the church!

We are excitedly anticipating and diligently preparing for our first in-person Sunday morning gathering on June 7 at 10:30am! Things will look different; they may even feel strange. But God will be in our midst! Join us in praying for a safe and joyful reuniting.

Juli Dirks
Executive Director of Ministries